
How's everything? Fine?

I'm decent. Just having one of those days. You know. When all you want is to eat crisps and popcorn and pizza and other unhealthy stuff. When all you want is to pop in a DVD and go to sleep really slowly. Blissful forgetfulness. Or whatever.

It's just one of those days. Really, I don't have a particular reason. I didn't get that job that I sort of had my eyes on, but I guess it's for the best. Give me more time to study... and sleep. I'm kind of short on cash though.

Had a really boring day too. Class for 5 hours and sometimes class just isn't the most inspiring event in the world. So I'm currently suffering some serious ennui. You know.

I bought some DVD:s today though. That cheered me up. It won't be so cheerful to pay for them when they arrive however. I'm already broke, and I got money yesterday. This sucks.

As you can hear, I'm all for positivity today. If I could only take a break for like a week, go away somewhere and sleep. That would help. But I can't. I'm busy. Stupid school.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'm just going to make popcorn and eat until I explode. I have enough, so it's not an impossible goal. I wonder if it would be possible to actually explode from popcorn. You'd be like a huge popcorn yourself.

Right, got a little off track there. Not the nicest place to go, either. So I'll drop that now.

You never told me how you were. Everything alright? It feels like it's always about me here. Why don't you write something, tell me something about yourself. You're very welcome to, anyway.

I'm going to leave off here. Go back to all the things I have to do. All work and no play...


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